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Body ArmorBy Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
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You want to build a muscular physique, right? Well, you also want to be strong, powerful, lean, and athletic. After all, nobody wants to "look like Tarzan and play like Jane". Use the workout that uses a completely unique system to train strength & power at the same time, integrates intense power-conditioning, and assistance work to round out your entire physique. Everything is laid out for you - sets, reps, backoff periods, etc. However, while everything is laid out for you, you can also create a completely customized program, tailored to you by choosing many of the exact exercises you want to use.
- Sales Rank: #6103088 in Books
- Published on: 2010-08-18
- Dimensions: 9.00" h x .19" w x 6.00" l,
- Binding: Paperback
- 84 pages
About the Author
Wiggy has spent over 16 years training myself, athletes, and turning the 'ordinary' into 'extraordinary', and had over 100 articles and muscle building workouts published, including having his own workout column at a major Mixed Martial Arts news website.
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